[Spike Tassel] is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
This announcement confirmed a conclusion based on the logic presented by my JC, that my baptism as a JW was invalid.
if a paedophile commits a crime against a junior there has to be, according to the watchtower two witnesses for action to be taken.. if one party of a marriage commits adultery, does there have to be the same, (two witnesses) before action is taken?.
if not........................ kt.
[Spike Tassel] is NOT one of Jehovah's Witnesses.
This announcement confirmed a conclusion based on the logic presented by my JC, that my baptism as a JW was invalid.
behtel has workers who are paid basically nothing!
a small "re-inbursment" for expenses.
prison is the same...making license plates for $2 dollars an hour....mc donalds resturants are not far behind.
a matter of pride, perhaps
if a paedophile commits a crime against a junior there has to be, according to the watchtower two witnesses for action to be taken.. if one party of a marriage commits adultery, does there have to be the same, (two witnesses) before action is taken?.
if not........................ kt.
the chattering continues …
we all know that the passage from paul's letter to romans, romans 10:13 says:.
"all those who call on the name of the lord will be saved".. now, in the nwt they translate that as jehovah instead of the word "lord", because this is a quote from joel 2:32 and in the ot the tetragrammaton yhwh is used, which the nwt translates as "jehovah" (not only the nwt does that, the asv,yng and dby, do it also in regards to joel).. however, of the 16 translations i have seen, all translate that passage in romans as lords and all the commentaries i have read so far, point to view that paul was applying that passage to jesus, being his name that is salvation.. commentaries by james, fausset and brown, by matthew henry and by barnes, to name only 3.. comments?.
We pray to JEHOVAH, in the name of JESUS CHRIST. We need both names for salvation from sin and death [a.k.a. everlasting life], as John 17:3,6 correctly implies.
perhaps this article will help you know for yourself: http://www.tetragrammaton.org/godsnameabsent.htm.
We need both, as John 17:3,6 bear out, as supported by Matthew 4:4,7,10 and the OT which the sentiments reflect.
i wanted to ask this question beacuse at the last memorial supper it caught my attention more than it ever did:.
why do some (not just the jw's) believe that judas did not partkae of the lord's supper, the bread and the wine?.
in the synoptic gospels of matt, mark and luke, there is nomention of judas being sent away, indeed in luke jesus says "behold the hand of the betrayer at the table with me".. while in john judas is sent away, he is sent after the supper, though it is not clear if this was the lord's supper since there is no mention of the the partaking of the wine and bread in john.. help would be greatly appreciated.. .
The hand of the betrayer was at the table, yes. Whether it was during the passing of the emblems, let the reader use sound spiritual discernment.
if a paedophile commits a crime against a junior there has to be, according to the watchtower two witnesses for action to be taken.. if one party of a marriage commits adultery, does there have to be the same, (two witnesses) before action is taken?.
if not........................ kt.
The tone of Big Tex is that of a bully.
if a paedophile commits a crime against a junior there has to be, according to the watchtower two witnesses for action to be taken.. if one party of a marriage commits adultery, does there have to be the same, (two witnesses) before action is taken?.
if not........................ kt.
sir82, I am juggling through 9 Topics at the moment, which generally means about an hour between 1 set of my replies on this Topic and the next set.
1) What if Brother Lecher does not confess - will he be disfellowshipped?
"if Brother Lecher does not confess" is present tense, "will he be disfellowshipped?" is future tense. It is a matter of time, method, circumstance, and scrutiny, I suggest. He may not get disfellowshipped; he may rather disassociate, or his baptism may be ruled invalid, he may fade, he may be marked as bad association, etc. Jehovah knows the hearts of all involved. If he dies the "second death" as a result, the matter is all the more tragic.
2) Your earlier reply implied that a 12 year old rape victim might be disfellowshipped - true?
The possibility of a 12-year-old rape victim getting disfellowshipped presumes a valid baptism. The substantiation of other events in the case may warrant such a reproof as disfellowshipment, such as a non-cooperative attitude, etc. Life is not so simple that a disfellowshipping couldn't happen to a 12-year-old baptised rape victim, I suggest.
how could god have always existed since it plainly says near the end of that verse before me there was no god formed?.
here is the quote from the nwt and i also looked it up on numerous other translations and they all used the word before.. .
isaiah 43:10. you are my witnesses, is the utterance of jehovah, even my servant whom i have chosen, in order that you may.
Stephen makes the bold claim that "The NWT is pure heresy, through and through." I suggest that "heresy" is a term the Catholics like to use when they want to be disparaging. I am not familiar at the moment of another application.
how could god have always existed since it plainly says near the end of that verse before me there was no god formed?.
here is the quote from the nwt and i also looked it up on numerous other translations and they all used the word before.. .
isaiah 43:10. you are my witnesses, is the utterance of jehovah, even my servant whom i have chosen, in order that you may.
Androb31 states a few "facts" about the "Holy Spirit", which the Bible also calls the spirit of truth. I suggest that "accurate perception of truth" would be an accurate replacement wherever "Holy Spirit" is discussed. Also, we need to bear in mind that Greek is like French in that it requires a "gender", which is translated as "he" here, but in English I suggest should be more correctly translated as "it", unless one wants to see the "naked Greek" thought process.
As such, "the accurate perception of truth", personified, can guide, speak, hear, intercede, forbid, send into service, be grieved, be blasphemed, be lied to, be insulted or outraged, be resisted, set apart for some work, and call individuals. These are all traits of a person, which is what the literary device of personification does.
It may well be, I suggest, that rather than draw attention to the person(s) actually instigating the particular action, that the literary device "the holy spirit" was put in place, indicating a modesty and humility appropriate to a humble servant (body) attuned to Jehovah-and-Jesus Christ's methods.